The Saint Andreas Roleplay Project is intended to be a source of entertainment for both domestic and international players. Our Project is simply an idea that has been introduced in a whole new way using our website and source of organization.
If you are a player within our system your responisble for all actions you take. If you decide to exploit another player using an IP Tracker, Modification Software, DDOS, etc. we take NO responsibility what so ever for your actions. DDOSing is a felony in the United States and explotion of other peoples personal information or deformation of character is strictly prohibitted by both SARP and The United States Law System. For international players crimes taken or executed within our roleplay are again not our responsibility. However, players who are joining us internationally are also facing international federal charges from the United States Government if the act or crime committed is serious enough. However, when modding becomes avalible for Grand Theft Auto V our community greatly accepts those individuals who have access to such softwares or oppertunities as well as the individual uses the software/ability responsibly.
Privacy Policy
Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy are listed below. However, if a user within our community or an indiviudal looking to join our community disagrees with our policies I would have to respectfully ask you to withdraw yourself or search for another roleplay. This ensures both the saftey of Admins and Players within our Community.
Players using our site are respected and greatly accepted throughout both our community and allied roleplay communities. However, players must use the site respectfully and treat other members of the group respectfully as well. As stated in the privacy policy above players who commit a domestic or international felony or crime will be held fully accountable.
Our website was created strictly to create a sense of organization and an interesting and exicting interface for all types of players to help create a sense of pride for both members and admins within our community.
Terms of Use
Task Force L.S //
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