Walther P22/Combat Pistol, this is the Standard Issue Police firearm which will be used as the designated handgun for an officer who either feels threatened or feels they have to arrest a LOW THREAT individual/suspect.
Remington 870/Pump Shotgun, this is the Standard shotgun used to raid structures or aid an officer in the arrest of a HIGH THREAT Individual/suspect.
M4A1 Carbine MOD/Carbine Rifle, this weapon can only be used when authorized by a Police Chief or game Administrator and can only be used during SWAT Scenarios or an EXTREME THREAT.
H&K MP5/SMG, this weapon can only be used when authorized by a Police Chief or game Administrator and can only be used during SWAT Scenarios or an EXTREME THREAT.
Barrett 50. Caliber/Heavy Sniper, this weapon can only be operated by certified SWAT units and above who have been directly instructed to pose as a "Sniper Team" during a high priority situation.
Metro/Metropolitan Units, Ford Taurus or LAPD Black and White marked Crown-Victoria
Blaine County Police Unit/Sheriff, White Blaine County Crown-Victoria
Chief/Administrative/SSU, Blaine County Sheriff SUV, FIB SUV, FIB Buffalo, and Unmarked Crown-Victoria
S.W.A.T., Grey Armored Vehicle or Black and White Prisoner Transport Van
Aviation, Police Maverick or Annihilator
Black Hinterland Boots
Khaki Cargo Pants
Tan/Khaki/Green Tucked Shirt
Olive Heavy Vest
Black Hinterland Boots
Black Cargo Pants
Blue Tucked Shirt
Black Standard Vest
Communication Procedures
Enable to be a Police Officer you MUST have "ZELLO" downloaded. It's an iOS/Android Application that works as a Wifi based radio allowing officers to communicate without disrupting game chat. Officers must communicate using "10 Codes" and Unit Numbers. Also officers must also follow the guidelines of conducting traffic stops or arrests by relaying that to other officers via "ZELLO"
Unit Numbers (#)
Definition, Unit #'s are distributed during training. You'll will keep that unit number for the rest of the role-plays length and it can NOT be altered. You will be given a Unit # at the start of your first training and you will continue to you the number through any terms of communication with another officer.
Patrol Zones/Jurisdictions
West Freeway, Units designated with the "Western Freeway" will ONLY be allowed to travel on the western highway or establish speed traps for any civilian or commercial vehicles passing by. This area includes the entire western free way from Mid-Blaine county and up. Absolutely no entering Los Santos unless authorized by a superior.
East Freeway, Units designated with the "Eastern Freeway" will ONLY be allowed to travel on the eastern highway or establish speed traps for any civilian or commercial vehicles passing by. This area includes the entire western free way from Mid-Blaine county and up. Absolutely no entering Los Santos unless authorized by a superior.
Paleto Bay, Units designated with Paleto Bay Area are allowed to travel as far as the "Logging Saw Mill" on the West Side and as far as the "East Freeway Tunnel" on the East side.
Sandy Shores, Units designated with the Sandy Shores region are allowed to travel all throughout Mid-Blaine county except freeways. Units are recommended to stay near "Grapeseed" where a large amount of commercial traffic takes place making it a prime location for speed traps.
North Los Santos, this includes everything North of downtown Los Angeles and south of the Blaine County border except for the freeways. Units can patrol throughout Hollywood and Beverly Hills.
Downtown Los Santos, Units can patrol from uptown skyscrapers down to the airport and along the Vespucci coastline.
South Los Santos, Units can patrol throughout south Los Santos including the airport and it's freeways up until it reaches the Blaine county border.
Ranking System
Chief of Police/Police Commissioner: The title police commissioner is used mainly by large metropolitan departments, while chief of police is associated with small and medium-sized municipalities; both are typically appointed by a mayor or selected by the city council or commission. In some cities, "commissioner" is the member of the board of officials in charge of the department, while a "chief" is the top uniformed officer answering to the commissioner or commission. In very large departments, such as the New York City Police Department, there may be several deputy and assistant commissioners, all civilian, some of whom outrank the chief of department and others on par with the uniformed chief. There may be a chief of operations who is second in command to the top-ranking chief. In contrast, sheriffs in the United States are usually elected officials, one in each county, who head the sheriff's department (or sheriff's office).
Assistant Chief/Assistant Commissioner/Assistant Superintendent/Assistant Sheriff: Only seen in some departments. In New York City, assistant chiefs head borough commands.
Deputy Chief/Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Superintendent/Chief Deputy: The top lieutenant to the chief of police, commissioner, superintendent, or sheriff; may or may not have a specific area of responsibility. In some places the undersheriff is the warden of the county jail. The New York City Sheriff's Office has five undersheriffs: each one is responsible for a borough of New York City, with the Sheriff of the City of New York overseeing all of them.
Inspector/Commander: Sometimes have an insignia of a single star, analogous to brigadier generals, but in other areas wear a gold or silver eagle, similar to a colonel. "Inspector" is also used as a term for "detective" in the San Francisco Police Department but is two ranks above captain in New York and in the Philadelphia Police Department. In New York, inspectors command divisions, which may be groups of precincts within a borough or specialized branches of the police service.
Colonel: A majority of state police agencies use "colonel" as their senior executive rank, often jointly with a civilian title such as "superintendent," "commissioner" or "director." Conversely, the colonel rank is rarely employed by other agencies, though it is used by the Baltimore Police Department and other Maryland agencies as either an executive or commander-like rank. Colonels generally wear the gold or silver eagle of a colonel, or the oak leaf of a lieutenant colonel, from the U.S. armed forces.
Major/Deputy Inspector: Sometimes have an insignia of a gold or silver oak leaf, similar to a major or lieutenant colonel. In theBaltimore Police Department and Atlanta Police Department majors supervise police stations.
Captain: Two gold or silver bars ("Railroad tracks"). Often supervises a police station but can supervise another division or unit (detectives, patrol, etc.) in smaller departments and only certain sections of a police station in larger departments. In NYC captains are the normal commanders of precincts.
Lieutenant: A single gold or silver bar, who supervises two to three or more sergeants. Lieutenants can supervise an entire watch shift of a police station or detective squad (Narcotics, Homicide, etc.) in larger police departments and entire precincts in smaller police departments.
Sergeant: Three inverted chevrons, a police officer who supervises an entire watch shift in smaller departments and areas of a precinct and individual detective squads in larger departments. Some agencies, such as the New Jersey State Police, use a para-militaristic range of sergeant ranks, such as Staff Sergeant and Sergeant First Class, in addition to the basic Sergeant rank.
Detective/Inspector/Investigator: An investigatory specialist, usually working in plain clothes. This may be in several classes that correspond to higher supervisory and pay grades. In NYC, technically a designation: detectives do not actually outrank police officers although they are in charge of cases and are often senior in years of service and so have a certain degree of authority beyond police officers in specific situations.
Officer/Deputy/Corporal: A regular officer/deputy wears no rank insignia, and there may be several pay grades. Corporals, who may be senior officers or acting watch commanders, wear two inverted chevrons.
Police Reports
Warning! Officers are required to file police reports after ANY occurrence of crime or an accident. When a report is unfilled by the end of a game the ENTIRE police department is left unpaid and fined $5000.00 Each for obstruction of justice. Make sure that after every accident or crime that a report is filed. From a Traffic Citations to Felonies all reports will be filed by the Arresting officer or a substitute if the arresting officer does not have access to a computer at the time. However, the officer without a computer must alert another officer of that or the chief of police. From there the officer will describe the situation to another officer who will fill the report for him/her.
Filing a police report can be done by navigating the the "Police Report Form"on the site via the "DISPATCH" button on the life role-play home screen. From there it's self explanatory however it is important to know these 2 definitions.
Plaintiff, Arresting Officer
Accused, Suspect
Traffic Stops
Traffic stops are required to have the correct dialog and a mandatory police report filled out at the end by the officer conducting the traffic stop or a substitute officer that can be learned more about above from "Police Reports"
Officer pulls over vehicle. While in vehicle the officer sais
Officer on ZELLO: This is Unit (Unit Number) Attempting a traffic stop on a (Color), (Model/Make, or Type), (License plate #)
Officer steps out of the vehicle and walks towards the window of the vehicle unarmed
Officer: Do you know why I'm pulling you over today sir?
Suspect: No officer
Officer: (Justify Reasoning)
Ignore any further speech by suspect who is attempting to defend his or herself. Officer must return to his vehicle and access the "Police Database" on the "DISPATCH" page via the "Life Role-play homepage. From here the officer must check if the vehicle is a registered vehicle. After the vehicle check whether or not the vehicle is confirmed registered or illegal the officer must go on ZELLO.
Officer on ZELLO: Dispatch this is Unit (Unit Number) is there a warrant for the arrest of (Insert suspects gamer-tag) or an APB out for a (Color), (Model/Make), with the License plate (Insert License plate)?
Unregistered Vehicle or Arrest Warrant Scenario - USE "Requesting" training in this scenario.
Officer on ZELLO: This is Unit (Unit Number) requesting (Additional Unit or Supervisor/Police Chief) at my location.
Officer exits vehicle and walks over to the car with Combat pistol or shotgun out but not aimed based on the severity and sais
Officer: Sir can you please step out of your vehicle
Suspect steps out of the vehicle
Officer: Sir can you please step up against my vehicle
Suspect steps up against police vehicle. Officer punches him once and tells him that he is handcuffed and any attempt at escape will be breaking a game rule.
Officer: (Explains why the suspect is under arrest)
The officer waits the additional unit to arrive who will transport the suspects vehicle to the police pre-sync/impound where a "Police Report" will be filed. The suspects vehicle will be put in an impound garage and the police report must include the vehicle was impounded based on the arrest or because of it.
Standard "No-Arrest" Scenario
Officer exits vehicle and walks back to the suspect
Officer: (Explains why the suspect was pulled over a second time and tells him he has been charged) OR (Give the suspect a warning)
Officer returns to the vehicle and files a police report Immediately
When in need of assistance it is crucial that you use the "10-Codes" shown below to speak of your necessity. However, if you are driven into a pursuit from a traffic stop or speed trap you just relay that.
Dialog Pursuit:
Officer on ZELLO: This is Unit (Unit Number) in pursuit of a (Color), (SUV, Sedan, etc.) on (Insert Location) Requesting an additional unit responds.
Dialog Firefight:
Officer on ZELLO: This is Unit (Unit Number) reporting shots fired at my location requesting immediate assistance.
Dialog Foot-pursuit or Aviation:
Officer on ZELLO: This is Unit (Unit Number) requesting Aviation unit to my location. Currently in a (Foot-pursuit or High Speed Chase) at (Location) Requesting Additional Units
*Only units in the nearby jurisdiction and the original pursuing officer can respond while other units must stay put unless the situation escalates drastically or authorized by a superior. ALL out of control unrealistic responses will be cited and used later as a warning or justification of removing the officer from his current occupation.
When requested to respond to a location always check the map to see if the unit requesting assistance is in your jurisdiction or right next to it. You can respond by relaying that over ZELLO while moving to that location.
Officer on ZELLO: This is Unit (Unit Number) en route to assist standby.
When conducting an arrest the officer must punch the suspect then tell him the reason being it's the symbol for handcuffs. ANY attempt to escape from there will be breaking a game rule which can be warned/relayed to the suspect. If he does not comply with game rules he will he kicked or banned based on the severity.
To taze a suspect the officer is allowed to shoot him ONCE in the body than relaying to the suspect that they have been tased and cannot move unless they wish to break a game rule and be penalized severely
A vehicle can be impounded after an Arrest, Pursuit/Arrest, or License suspension. An officer will call for an additional unit to arrive on scene to bring the vehicle back to the LSPD HQ in Southeast Los Santos where the vehicle will be stored in an impound garage. The player will be alerted that the vehicle can be purchased back from the impound at 10% of the original cost of the vehicle.
Setting A.P.B.s/Warrants and Priorities
APBs or "All-Points Bulletins" are a way to alert other officers of a suspects vehicle that has escaped their line of site.
Dialog for APB:
Officer on ZELLO: All units be advised. Be on the lookout for a (Color), (Vehicle Make/Model)
Dialog for Arrest Warrant:
Officer on ZELLO: All units be advised. Be on the lookout for a (Player name) he just committed (Describe Crime)
Officers must at ALL times have a pristine cruiser or vehicle. Any visible damage aside from scratches will be fined $2500.00. Any officer who has a damaged vehicle can request assistance from the Police Chief ONLY to duplicate the vehicle and take the new one that is undamaged.
Officers involved in pursuits are allowed to conduct pit maneuvers and other ailments that can damage their vehicles. They can duplicate and repair later. Officers in pursuits must always drive magnificently in order to not lose the suspect the leading officer or aviation/air unit is required to callout where the suspect is going at all times via ZELLO. Lack of communication will result in a citation of the officer which can lead to the officer being suspended at a later date.
"TSU" stands for "Traffic Service Unit". During SWAT Raids, Police Escorts, Prisoner Transport, or any type of situation that requires 2 or more police units on scene must use this.
In the event that a SWAT scenario occurs the officers will allow armored cars to engage suspects while cruisers and SUVs will stay back. Officers will use their cruisers to block of roads from traffic. If you see an officer at a location that go to the next possible exit or entrance road. If all roads are covered go to one that seems like it needs an additional. Any unit seen not using this tactic can be fined or suspended as it is a threat to both him and others.
Police Escorts/Prisoner Transport TSU
Police units during escorts such as these are instructed to do something A little more simple. As the transport vehicle or VIP moves through the streets he/she will callout their turns on ZELLO. All units will have the waypoint set allowing units to predetermine turning easier. When the VIP or transport vehicle turns the Police vehicle in front or DIRECTLY behind it will turn off to the side blocking the opposite road that the VIP or Transport vehicle is turning onto. The TSU vehicle will stay put until the entire convoy passes. This process will continue for the next vehicle in line to do so. When the convoy passes however the TSU vehicle will turn back onto the back of the line where the cycle will continue until they reach the waypoint.
S.W.A.T./Firefight Rules of Engagement
Units are ONLY allowed to use a firearm for lethal force if there is a direct threat towards them or others unless authorized otherwise by a superior. SWAT Teams will be dispatched by a superior but SWAT Combat training will be directly taught during a police training session.
Bomb Threats or WMD
During a bomb threat or WMD ALL units are instructed to back off. Fire/EMS will be notified and SWAT teams en route or on scene will be outfitted with "Green Vests"/"Heavy Armor" a.k.a. Bomb gear allowing them to disarm or conduct EOD (Explosives Ordinance Disposal). To dispose of a bomb threat from a vehicle the vehicle will be detonated by police and the fire will be put out by FIRE/EMS. In the event that the explosives are attached to a wall inside or outside the building. Police units will use Grenades, C4, and Sniper Rifles to detonate the explosives. However, if the explosives are used in a hostage situation than a police chief will take Negotiations.
Communication Code(s) - PRINT RECOMMENDED
Official Ten-Code List Association of Public Communications Officers (APCO)
10-0 Caution
10-1 Unable to copy -- change location
10-2 Signal good
10-3 Stop transmitting
10-4 Acknowledgement (OK)
10-5 Relay
10-6 Busy -- stand by unless urgent
10-7 Out of service
10-8 In service
10-9 Repeat
10-10 Fight in progress
10-11 Dog case
10-12 Stand by (stop)
10-13 Weather -- road report
10-14 Prowler report
10-15 Civil disturbance
10-16 Domestic disturbance
10-17 Meet complainant
10-18 Quickly
10-19 Return to ...
10-20 Location
10-21 Call ... by telephone
10-22 Disregard
10-23 Arrived at scene
10-24 Assignment completed
10-25 Report in person (meet) ...
10-26 Detaining subject, expedite
10-27 Drivers license information
10-28 Vehicle registration information
10-29 Check for wanted
10-30 Unnecessary use of radio
10-31 Crime in progress
10-32 Man with gun
10-33 Emergency
10-34 Riot
10-35 Major crime alert
10-36 Correct time
10-37 (Investigate) suspicious vehicle
10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle
10-39 Urgent -- use light, siren
10-40 Silent run -- no light, siren
10-41 Beginning tour of duty
10-42 Ending tour of duty
10-43 Information
10-44 Permission to leave ... for ...
10-45 Animal carcass at ...
10-46 Assist motorist
10-47 Emergency road repairs at ...
10-48 Traffic standard repair at ...
10-49 Traffic light out at ...
10-50 Accident (fatal, personal injury, property damage)
10-51 Wrecker needed
10-52 Ambulance needed
10-53 Road blocked at ...
10-54 Livestock on highway
10-55 Suspected DUI
10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian
10-57 Hit and run (fatal, personal injury, property damage)
10-58 Direct traffic
10-59 Convoy or escort
10-60 Squad in vicinity
10-61 Isolate self for message
10-62 Reply to message
10-63 Prepare to make written copy
10-64 Message for local delivery
10-65 Net message assignment
10-66 Message cancellation
10-67 Clear for net message
10-68 Dispatch information
10-69 Message received
10-70 Fire
10-71 Advise nature of fire
10-72 Report progress on fire
10-73 Smoke report
10-74 Negative
10-75 In contact with ...
10-76 En route ...
10-77 ETA (estimated time of arrival)
10-78 Need assistance
10-79 Notify coroner
10-80 Chase in progress
10-81 Breathalyzer
10-82 Reserve lodging
10-83 Work school x-ing at ...
10-84 If meeting ... advise ETA
10-85 Delayed due to ...
10-86 Officer/operator on duty
10-87 Pick up/distribute checks
10-88 Present telephone number of ...
10-89 Bomb threat
10-90 Bank alarm at ...
10-91 Pick up prisoner/subject
10-92 Improperly parked vehicle
10-93 Blockade
10-94 Drag racing
10-95 Prisoner/subject in custody
10-96 Mental subject
10-97 Check (test) signal
10-98 Prison/jail break
10-99 Wanted/stolen indicated
LSPD Training Handbook
Task Force L.S //
Deployments Start