NOTE: When Registering a Vehicle you must first check if you can afford the vehicle by using the algorithm below. If you are registering a new color or cosmetic feature of a vehicle you fill out the form below as needed. However, if you are registering a new vehicle you are also purchasing it thereby entering a weekly or one time payment in order to own the vehicle completley.
EQUATION for Leasing -
($TOTAL)/60 (Weeks) = $Per Week
Purchasing a Vehicle - To purchase a vehicle check the Vehicle list on the bottom of the page to view prices. Next, use the equation shown above to calculate the weekly payment on the car. If you find it unecessary to lease the vehicle and you have the ability to pay it off in one payment than fill out the form below as necessary. Finally, once you have chosen a vehicle fill out the form below and click "REGISTER" at the bottom to complete your form.
San Andreas Department of Motor Vehicles

Vapid Radius-$37,050
Obey Rocoto-$90,000
Mammoth Patriot-$100,000
Karin Beejay XL-$28,720
Gallivanter Baller-$44,040
Fathom FQ 2-$61,500
Emperor Habanaro-$47,450
Dundreary Landstalker-$54,365
Dundreary Granger-$59,360
Canis Seminole-$29,495
Canis Mesa-$34,695
Bravado Gresly-$40,995
Benefactor Serrano-$49,770
Benefactor Dubsta-$134,300
Albany Cavalcade-$74,340
Zirconium Stratum-$1,645
Vulcan Ingot-$2,302
Vapid Stanier-$3,995
Obey Tailgater-$35,900
*****Karin Intruder-$
Karin Asterope -$35,950
Dundreary Regina-$1,042
Declasse Premier-$17,270
Declasse Asea-$23,040
Cheval Surge-$34,185
Cheval Fugitive-$22,140
*****Chariot Romero Hearse-$
Benefactor Schafter-$93,000
Albany Washington -$47,225
Albany Primo-$31,273
Albany Emperor-$5,624
Ubermacht Sentinel -$46,800
Ubermacht Oracle 1 -$115,000
Ubermacht Oracle 2-$81,000
Schyster Fusilade-$18,764
Pfister Comet-$105,630
Obey 9F Cabrio-$164,000
Obey 9F-$156,000
Maibatsu Penumbra-$18,478
Karin Sultan-$10,758
Karin Futo-$11,800
Inverto Coquette-$61,588
Grotti Carbonizzare-$330,000
Enus Super Diamond-$403,970
Dewbauchee Rapid GT-$145,526
Bravado Buffalo-$43,326
Bravado Banshee-$110,385
Benefactor Surano-$87,662
Benefactor Schwartzer-$153,000
Benefactor Feltzer-$148,500
Annis Elegy RH8-$96,799
Hijak Khamelion-$112,000
Rapid GT -$117,000
Sports Classic -
****Vapid Peyote-$
Truffade Z-Type-$35,000,000
Pegassi Monroe-$1,000,000
Grotti Stinger GT-$10,000,000
Dewbauchee JB 700-$450,000
Déclassé Tornado-$74,995
****Albany Manana-$
Vapid Sandking SWB-$68,400
Vapid Sandking XL-$92,599
*****Nagasaki Blazer-$
Karin Rebel-$4,234
Declasse Rancher XL-$5,800
Canis Bodhi-$2,647
*****Bravado Duneloader-
BF Injection-$5,400
BF Dune Buggy -$1,299
Canis Mesa-Mercenary - $40,000
Weeny Issi-$35,600
Karin Dilettante-$25,765
Dinka Blista-$15,450
Vapid Dominator-$26,300
Imponte Ruiner-$4,505
Imponte Phoenix-$2,700
Declasse Voodoo-$6,995
Declasse Vigero-$25,200
Declasse Sabre Turbo-$23,800
Cheval Picador-$6,500
Bravado Gauntlet-$35,155
Albany Buccaneer-$15,199
Western Daemon-$4,500
Western Bagger-$7,400
Shitzu Vader-$5,000
Shitzu PCJ 600-$5,120
Principe Nemesis-$4,564
Pegassi Ruffian-$4,899
Pegassi Faggio-$2,199
Pegassi Bati 801-$15,000
Nagasaki Carbon RS-$16,399
Maibatsu Sanchez-$3,500
LCC Hexer-$8,500
Dinka Double-T -$6,400
Dinka Akuma-$6,650
Planes -
Buckingham Luxor -$2,295,000
Buckingham Shamal -$3,850,000
Titan -$191,000,000
Cuban 800 -$79,900
Velum -$110,000
Mallard -$164,400
Mammatus -$149,000
Duster -$99,500
Boats -
Nagasaki Dinghy -$31,500
Shitzu Jetmax -$304,856
Marquis -$63,640
Speedophile Seashark -$16,500
Shitzu Squalo -$89,900
Shitzu Suntrap -$114,765
Shitzu Tropic -$29,099
Helicopters -
Frogger -$4,795,000
Maverick -$1,600,000
Cargobob -$Government ONLY
Annihilator -$Police/Government ONLY
Buzzard -$Government ONLY
Buzzard Attack Chopper -$Government ONLY
Vapid Bullet- $225,000
Truffade Adder-$1,000,000
Pegassi Vacca-$450,000
Pegassi Infernus-$349,000
Overflod Entity XF-$5,000,000
Grotti Cheetah-$850,00
Coil Voltic-$109,000
Task Force L.S //
Deployments Start