Welcome to our new "Life" Roleplay page! Laws, Financial Methods, Jobs, Properties, and More are all awaiting down below for you to look at. As for Police Units the ZELLO Channel title is TFLS Police. The password will be given to you upon entering the game. All Off duty and Non-Police units are strictly prohibitted to use the ZELLO Channel. If you are caught you will be arrested and charged with a felony. Police units will use the "Dispatch" option below to write out police reports. Civilians and other job types can scroll down to view all avalible information necessary for the roleplay.
Civilian Information -
Leasing(Accounts for ANY Vehicle Car, Aircraft, Sea, etc. :
(Amount Car is worth)/60 Weeks = Weekly (Real Time) price.
e.g. $450,000 Vehicle/60 Weeks = $7500 per Week
Financing(Accounts for Properties Only and Used vehicles if owner of vehicle allows it):
(Total Cost of Property)/52-156 Weeks)
*52 Weeks = 12 Months/104 Weeks = 24 Months/156 Weeks = 36 Months REAL Time. Each increment of 12 months or 52 weeks will add a 5% interest on the property starting at 0% interest for 52 weeks to 10% interest for 156 weeks.
e.g. 600,000/52 Weeks = 11,538.46 U.S. Dollars a week
In my old “Life” role-play clan in GTA IV I went from police officer to chief of police and head of banks in under a month as well as a game manager. In that time I learned a fantastic new way to keep order and maintain a NON CORRUPTED banking system. Heres how it works.
At the end of each game players will meet up at the Los Santos Bank in North Vine-wood. I will be behind the teller counter and call people individually or enter private chats. It will take a maximum of 45 seconds to ask what they did that night, how long they worked, whats there job, and also tell them that a specific amount of money is being taken by the bank to pay for financing of property or car leasing. IF people want to know how much money they have I will constantly be recording it on an iPad application allowing me to send them transaction logs/history, and also describe to them their history and how much money they have as well as give them suggestions. Now you may be asking… “What about illegal transactions” Illegal transactions are great for role-play purposes and this is how it works. The individual or group will contact me and ask to “Transfer Money”. By doing this they can transfer any amount of money they want without anyone else knowing. Also they cannot be questioned about it nor can the police arrest them and use it as evidence in a trial unless the trial has a DIRECT link to the cash flow and the police are not meta-gaming.
Business Management and Websites added below!
Player Rules:
-Players will start with NO WEAPONS
-Players will start with a sum of $0.00 and must work for their funds
-Players must be revived by a Paramedic with Defibrillators in under 5 minutes of death. They will then be Transported to a Medical Facility where they will be Treated accordingly. IF Paramedics do NOT make it to the fatally injured player in under 5 minutes than they have another 5 minutes to transport them to a medical facility. IF a player does not meet this criteria than they will "Bleed Out" and Lose their "Character".
-Players will have with 1 Life on their characters. However, you will not lose lives from Falling, Being killed by NPC's, Being killed by NPC Police, Being run over, or Drowning(If you wish to Roleplay your character dying in one of these fashions you may)*Players may not abuse this rule, If you are being shot at by a cliff you may not jump off the cliff purposely to escape dying.-You may take players hostage by holding a weapon to them
-If taken Hostage you may NOT Shoot, Run away, or Talk unless told to.
-No Arguing with anybody
-No Excessive use of Profanity
-No Harassment of any sort
-No Using items you do not own
-Your may NOT take any large weapon out of your "Pocket". This includes any firearm larger than a Handgun unless your are Next to YOUR vehicle, or on your Property. If you wish to carry around one of these weapons you must retrieve it from a Vehicle or Structure than return to use it.
-Metagaming IS Allowed
-Players may Buy up to 5 Lives for their Character. You can Purchase a "Life" or "Lives" by contacting an Administrator during a Roleplay for $50,000.00 Per "Life".
- Players can form Illegal Groups such as Street Gangs, Mafia's, Motor-Cycle Clubs, etc. with a Maximum capacity of up to 6 Players Including the Leader.
-Players are able to purchase Weapons, Houses, Cars, and Other items via the options listed on the "Life Roleplay" Homepage as Vehicle Store, San Andreas Realty, or L.S. Business MGMT
Emergency Service(s) attire are determined by the "Director of Emergency Services" or a "Police/Fire Chief"
Airlines in game will be available to players to Purchase Flights, Charters, and Sky Diving sessions with the purchase of a Flight VIA an ACTIVE AIRLINE that can be found on the L.S. Business MGMT Page above.
Illegal Activities:
Robbery of a Player: $2,500.00 USD - Player must be mugged in person by opposing player and cannot call police until robbery is finished
Robbery of a Home: $7,500.00 USD - Home owner must have knowledge of the Robbery after or before time of the robbery
Robbery of a Store: $10,000.00 USD - Must be accompanied by a Police Presence and Knowledge during the Robbery
Robbery of a Business: $100,000.00 USD - Deducted from Business CEO's and Must be accompanied by a Police Presence and Knowledge during the Robbery
Robbery of a Bank: $500,000.00 USD - Must be accompanied by a Police Presence and Knowledge during the Robbery
*Robbery is done by a Player, Group, Organization, Etc. who transfers funds to another account that is held Legally or Illegally. The funds are transferred via Phone Call to Admin or Black Market Transfer.
Drugs and Illegal Weapons Drugs -
In order to create and distribute Illegal substances a player must purchase a property seperate from their Home or Business and make a "Private" Transaction via the "Black Market" on the LIfe Roleplay Homepage.
Marijuana:$100.00 to Produce 10 Bags
Must grow for 3 days
Cocaine:$3000.00 to grow and produce 10 bags
Must produce for 1 week
Meth:$1000.00 to produce 10 bags
Must make for 1 day
Shrooms:$200.00 to grow 10 shrooms
Must grow for 3 days
Police Summary-
Police will Roleplay as if they are real police, Take it seriously or you will be taken off the police force.Police must be especially careful on when they are authorized to fire upon a civilian. Most of the time instead of shooting try to Melee them so you may get the arrest. When a player is arrested they will be in custody of police officials and will be organized prisoner transport. When they are taken by a police transport unit they will be escorted to the Downtown impound lot and guarded by a police unit. Prisoners inside of a police vehicle are unable to move or jump out until authorized. When a prisoner is moved to court he/she must be escorted in an amoured vehicle and police cruisers to the court and if he/she is convicted he/she is escorted again in the same convoy to serve time in jail which will be located at a players apartment inside a room far from the door and no access to a computer or phone.
Court is held at the Maze Bank Building behind the Teller Counters.
Crimes, Bail, and Punishments:
IGH = In-game Hour(s)
IGD = In-game Day(s)
IGW=In-game Week(s)
i.e. Bail amount/IGH
Assaulting a Law/Govn't official: Hitting- $4,000/2 IGD in Jail
Disorderly Conduct- $150/4 IGH in Jail
Assault: (Unless In Self Defense)-$2,000/1 IGD in Jail
Evading: Running away from a Police Unit- $10,000/3 IGD In Jail
Bribery: Giving money for approval- $750/1 IGD in Jail
Drug Usage-$500/1 IGD in Jail
Drug Possession(Small Amount)-$650/2 IGD in jail
-Intent to Sell: $1,000/2 IGD in Jail
Reckless Driving: $25,000/2 IGH
Speeding (1st): $20,000/1 IGH
Speeding (2nd): $30,000/2 IGH
Speeding (3rd): $40,000/4 IGH/License Suspended
Traffic Violation: $3,500/ 2 IGH
Avoidance of Job:$10,000/6 IGH in Prison
Conspiracy to Commit Crime Stage 1(Light Offense): $10,000/1 IGD in Prison
Conspiracy to Commit Crime Stage 2(Medium Offense): $20,000/2 IGD in Prison
Conspiracy to Commit Crime Stage 3(Heavy Offense):$50,000/4 IGD in Prison
Conspiracy to Commit Crime Stage 4(Maximum Offense):$100,000/4 IGD in Prison
Endangering the life of an Indivudal:$5,000/4 IGH in Prison
Trespassing:$20,000/4 IGD in Prison
Harassment Stage 1(Light Offense):$5,000/2 IGH in Prison
Harassment Stage 2(Medium Offense):$7,500/4 IGH in Prison
Harassment Stage 3(Heavy Offense):$10,000/1 IGD in Prison
Obstruction of Justice:$25,000/2 IGD in Prison
Contempt of Court:$10,000/1 IGD in Prison
State Crime's
Arson: Burning property- $50,000/1 IGW in JailLarceny-$75,500/ 4 IGD in Prison
Grand Theft Auto-$75,000/4 IGD in Prison
Attempted murder a Law/Government or Civilian: $50,000/4 IGD in Prison
Destruction of Property Stage 1(Non-Explosive(s):$25,000/2 IGD in Prison
Gang Activity Stage 1(Minimum Participation):$10,000/5 IGD in Prison
Gang Activity Stage 2(Medium Participation):$20,000/5 IGD in Prison
Operating an Impounded Vehicle Stage 1(1st):$10,000/6 IGH in Prison
Operating an Impounded Vehicle Stage 2(2nd):$20,000/12 IGH in Prison
Operating an Impounded Vehicle Stage 3(3rd):$50,000/1 IGD in Prison/License Suspended
Operating a Vehicle with a Suspended License Stage(1st):$10,000/6 IGH in Prison
Operating a Vehicle with a Suspended License Stage(2nd):$20,000/12 IGH in Prison
Operating a Vehicle with a Suspended License Stage(3rd):$50,000/1 IGD in Prison/No License
Murder: Killing Anybody(Unless In Self Defense or Other Acceptions)- $75,000/2 IGW in Prison
Gang Activity Stage 3(Maximum Participation):$50,000/2 IGW in Prison
Act of Terrorism: Destruction of property/Bombing- $300,000/8 IGW in Prison
Destruction of Property Stage 2(Explosives Used):$75,000.00/4 IGD in Prison
Kidnapping: Taking someone against will- None/3 IGD in Prison
Aiding and Abetting: Protecting or hiding criminal- $20,000/1 IGW in Prison
Drug Possession(Large Amount):$17,500/2 IGW in Prison
Drug Possession(Subsequent Offense):$35,000/4 IGW in Prison
Drug Possession(5th Offense):$150,000/Life In Prison
-Drug Trafficking:$100,000/2 IGW in Prison
Unregistered Firearm:$50,000/4 IGW in Prison
-Pocket Gunnining:$25,000/4 IGD in Prison
-Illegal Distribution of Firearms:$100,000/2 IGW in Prison
-Un-Licensed:$25,000/2 IGD in Prison
Unregistered Vehicle: $100,000/4 IGD in Prison
Inviting Unauthorized player: 5 Game Suspension
Usage of an illegal Aircraft, Boat, or Speciality Vehicle: BANNED
If your car is impounded by player police units than it will be able to be purchased if A: You can afford it. Or B: 10% Repossesion fee from the Original Cost of the Vehicle
If your license is suspended you can earn it back by undergoing a Driving Test 2 weeks after your Suspension.
Task Force L.S //
Deployments Start